On 06/06/2015, it held a Great Prophet Hospital (r) a medical conference sponsored by the Lebanese Minister of Health Professor Wael Abou Faour entitled dr. "Cultivation of liver and kidney in Lebanon: look to the future".
Present at the conference a group of doctors professors from Lebanon, Iran and Britain.
The conference was opened with the national anthem and the Lebanese welcome from the Chairman of the Organizing Committee d. Mahmoud Younis then occur d. Hussein Krnab, Chairman of the Scientific Committee at the Great Prophet Hospital (r), briefly about the hospital science Dr.Younes Yeh achievements in the medical field and the intention of the hospital opening a specialized center for the cultivation of liver and kidney under the supervision of a medical technician dedicated staff and according to the latest technical and technological global developments.
Password Lebanese Health Minister delivered his representative d. Joyful Arbid, who conveyed his greetings to the participants, praising the Great Prophet Hospital, Dr. administration Houssein Karnib and body medically and Tmrbia and workers, on the progress made by the stunning progress even occupied the position among the best university hospitals, said: "We in Lebanon we have a major health market varied distinctive for their quality of services, and we have, as you know prestigious hospitals in its history has played an important role in the rise of health markets in the region, especially the Gulf. And we were a long Middle Hospital for years the undisputed, and we also have a medical body known high-end reputation, and the body of nursing is also a regional and international reputation make it required in the majority of health systems in the region and the world.
Showing Prof. Mohammed Jawad Khalifa, in his lecture, the Lebanese experience in the field of liver transplantation and explain the obstacles and impediments to the development of this specialty explaining the means that can lead to increase this type of operation by promoting and consolidating the culture of organ donation.
The Albroovos saha War Syed Ali King Hosseini, head of the liver transplant center and kidney in Shiraz University in the Iranian Islamic Republic, spoke about the experience of the great center in this area where one of the most important centers in the world and talked about the policies that must be followed to improve the level of members in Lebanon cultivation.
In contrast, Prof. Marwan Moukarzel, Chairman of the Department of Urology occur in the Hotel-Dieu, for the latest technologies in kidney transplantation and explain some of the difficult situations and how to deal with it.
He also spoke of all Albroovosuren Beecher Kaour and Arif Khwaja, specialists in kidney surgery (AKI) from Britain, on the scientific developments in the follow-up patients with organ transplants and some complex cases.
Dr.. Koroh Kazemi, center of Shiraz in Iran, spoke about the experience at the center of scientific and medical complexities facing the planting of Dr. Mouhammad Khaklife operations and how to deal with it.